Virginia Contract Litigation: Forum Selection Clause | Ryan C. Young | Richmond Litigation Attorney

Virginia Contract Litigation: Forum Selection Clause | Ryan C. Young | Richmond Litigation Attorney
What is a forum selection clause? A forum selection clause is used in a contract to designate the location, process, and/or court that will resolve any legal disputes that may arise between the parties named in the agreement.  These clauses range from very specific to extremely broad and all encompassing. A specific clause would indicate the type of court (state/federal)... Read More

In Virginia, can an LLC member assign their interest in the LLC? | Ryan C. Young | Richmond Business Attorney

In Virginia, can an LLC member assign their interest in the LLC? | Ryan C. Young | Richmond Business Attorney
Assignment of Interest in a Virginia LLC. A Limited Liability Company is governed by both a) the laws of the state in which it was incorporated and b) the operating agreement of the LLC.  There are some state laws which an operating agreement can circumvent.  Plainly speaking, in some instances the members of the LLC can decide the rules which... Read More